The lesson topics are the same for the Academic and General Training courses. However, the content is different for each.
Standard |
Lesson 1: Overview of IELTS™ reading, question types, test instructions and common test-taking tips |
Lesson 2: Responding to multiple-choice, "True/False/Not Given", and "Yes/No/Not Given" questions |
Lesson 3: Responding to matching questions (information, headings, features, sentence endings) |
Lesson 4: Responding to summary, note, table, flow chart-completion and diagram-labelling questions |
Lesson 5: Responding to sentence-completion and short-answer questions |
Lesson 6: Review of IELTS™ question types and tutor feedback |
Gold |
Lesson 7: Identifying main points and supporting details in conversations
Lesson 8: Identifying main points and supporting details in conversations |
Lesson 9: Reading under time pressure
Lesson 10: Handling difficult reading passages
Lesson 11: More practice and tutor feedback
Lesson 12: Complete review of the lessons and final feedback